

2012年2月15日 星期三

From now on

In order to make foreigner easier reading this blog

Therefore, I will try to translate all my articles to English form in near future

The first one will be discussed about the international license - Regulatory Affair Certification (General Scope, Medical device)

I actually don't know what it is until I joined a conference held by Tze Chiang Foundation of Science and technology in 2011

This license is not cheaper compared to other licenses in Taiwan

And I am also afraid it may not do great help in my career

Because the medical device or biotechnology industry in Taiwan still need time to grow up

If anybody in this area knows the RAC-GS(medical device focus) license in detail, I am seeking to discuss with you

Forgive my poor grammar, if there are any mistake in this article please let me know

Maxi Chien